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July Homework
Check & Service Your Air Conditioner
With the summer heat coming, it is time to service your air conditioner unit. Servicing the equipment each year will help insure proper operation and the best efficiency, saving money through the summer months. If you use a window unit, make sure the areas around the unit are sealed to keep the warm air out. Make sure the unit is installed correctly and securely in the window, and that the window is locked in position so that the house is secure. Regular maintenance of your equipment will help insure it operates efficiently each year and will keep you cool all summer long.

Getting Involved with our Community
The mission of DONATION HOUSE is to create revenue and support for non-profit organizations that serve our communities and make a positive impact on people around the world. When a non-profit organization refers real estate business to a DONATION HOUSE business partner, they agree to return 10% of the proceeds back to the non-profit organization.
Recent contributions have been made to the following: