American Lifestyle June 2020

American Lifestyle June 2020

Check out this month’s issue of my American Lifestyle magazine.  Issue 102. The article about Fallingwater is inspiring.  It reminds me of something you might see in a Portland area Street of Dreams.  I’ll add it to my bucket list of places to visit. ...
May Homework – Check Decks and Railings

May Homework – Check Decks and Railings

Dedicated to Maximizing Value for our Clients! You should find exhaust fans in your bathrooms, maybe laundry room, and the kitchen.  It is a good idea to check all the fans and make sure they are clean and operating as designed.  They are designed to remove moisture...
May 2020 Newsletter

May 2020 Newsletter

Real Estate Market Report April by the Numbers Portland Area Months of Inventory: 2.4 Portland Area Avg. Sales Price: $465,200 YTD Average Sales Price increased: 4.3% Portland Area Closings increased: 14.5% Portland Area New listings increased: 17.9% Average market...